What are Missions?

“Go and make disciples…”
- Jesus Christ



Brownsville is our “Jerusalem”, the headquarters for great Gospel ministry opportunities. Our ministry started in Brownsville. We preach the Gospel to anyone and everyone who is willing to listen.


University Campus

In Brownsville, there are thousands of students attending the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. We see this as a mission field where we can tell people about Jesus. We continually visit the University Campus to pray, preach, and serve. We also partner with Christian ministries to reach as many people as possible and help them meet Jesus.



We believe that God wants all the nations of the world to worship Him. The “10-40 Window”, includes Spain. This is an area designated by missions experts as a place where Gospel missions go to die. However, there are brave and faithful missionaries who are preaching the Gospel. A portion of our tithes and offerings go to financially support Gospel ministry in Madrid, Valencia, and Valladolid, Spain.

Until The Whole World Hears